ДНеСГ 500-1 (СПО «Светотехника»)
Тип: ДНеСГ 500-1
Страна происхождения:
Дата выпуска: III 1987
Дуговая неоновая сигнальная лампа применяется для световой сигнализации в оборудовании аэродромов и подходов к ним, а также в кодовых неоновых светомаяках КНС-1(3). Горит красным цветом.Световой поток 6500лм, мощность 500вт. Напряжение 85В.
Из коллекции
пилот. Добавлено: пн, 18.07.16, 16:27

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А номинальный срок службы известен?
Средний срок службы всего 1000 ч. http://elcw.ru/shop/UID_17389.html
It is incredible for me to see this kind of lamp made in Russia so recently! In England, almost the exact same design was introduced in 1930 by Osram-GEC. It was discontinued by 1950s. They were also used for coloured floodlighting of buildings. In addition to the neon-red version, there were blue and green lamps, made with argon-mercury filling and fluorescent phosphor. Probably the first commercial fluorescent lamps. Did those types also exist in Russia?
I don't think so. This type of lamp was used mostly for signalling purposes (river beacons, obstruction lights etc.) and never for functional or decorative lighting. So it was one and only of this kind.
First lamps was made in other factories. In more early years and with other name ND-2 http://street-lighti...
People say, that it's lamps for aerodrome strips. About other types i don't heard.
Так и не понял, вы свой сайт забросили, или он будет переделываться?
Только это не ДНЕСГ 500, а ДНЕСГ 500-1, видно "1" в конце маркировки типа.
Действительно! Поправил, спасибо.