Подсказки по редактированию

  • HTML-теги не обрабатываются и показываются как обычный текст
  • Строки и параграфы распознаются автоматически. Теги переноса строки <br />, параграфа <p> и закрытия параграфа </p> вставляются автоматически. Если параграфы не распознаны, просто добавьте пару пустых строк.
  • If you include a textual smiley in your post (see chart below), it will be replaced by a graphical smiley.
    *secret**secret* :-X :-x X: x: :-# :# :secret:
    *dash1**dash1* *DASH* *WALL*
    *mamba**mamba* *WASSUP* *SUP* *MAMBA* :MAMBA:
    *i-m_so_happy**i-m_so_happy* *HAPPY* :happy: :HAPPY: :Happy: ^^
    *wacko**wacko* %) %-) :-$ :$ :wacko: :WACKO:
    *diablo**diablo* ]:-> }:-> ]:> }:> >:-] >:] :diablo: *DIABLO*
    *clapping**clapping* *BRAVO* :BRAVO: :bravo: :clapping:
    *yahoo**yahoo* *YAHOO* *YAHOO!* :YAHOO: :yahoo:
    *bad**bad* :-! :! :-~ ;-~ :(~ +(~ =(~ :bad:
    *cray2**cray2* :'( :'-(
    *air_kiss**air_kiss* *KISSED*
    *man_in_love**man_in_love* *IN_LOVE*
    *pleasantry**pleasantry* *db* :db:
    *yes3**yes3* *YES*
    *aggressive**aggressive* >:o >:O >+O >:o >+o :-@ :angry:
    *kiss2**kiss2* :-* :* :-{} :{} +{} ={} ^.^ :kiss: *KISS*
    *mosking**mosking* *JOKINGLY* 8P 8p
    *dirol**dirol* 8-) 8) B) :COOL: :cool:
    *kiss3**kiss3* *KISSING*
    *crazy**crazy* *CRAZY* :crazy:
    *dance4**dance4* *DANCE* :dance:
    *scratch_one-s_head**scratch_one-s_head* *SCRATCH*
    *sorry2**sorry2* *SORRY* :sorry:
    *good**good* :GOOD: :good: *GOOD* *THUMBS_UP*
    *pardon**pardon* *PARDON* =] :PARDON: :pardon:
    *fool**fool* :-| :| =| :-|
    *ROFL**ROFL* *ROFL* :ROFL: :rofl: :-)))) :-))))) :-)))))) :)))) :))))) :)))))) =)))) =))))) =))))))
    *blush**blush* :-[ :[ ;'> ;-. :blush:
    *bomb**bomb* @=
    *mail1**mail1* *WRITE* *MAIL*
    *unknw**unknw* *DONT_KNOW* *UNKNOWN* :HZ: :hz:
    *angel**angel* O:-) O:) O+) O=) 0:-) 0:) 0+) 0=) (A) (a)
    *music2**music2* [:-} [:} [:-}
    *acute**acute* ;D *ACUTE*
    *smile**smile* :-) :) +) =) :smile:
    *help**help* *HELP*
    *lol**lol* *LOL* ))) :-)) :)) =)) +)) :-))) :))) :lol:
    *shok**shok* =-O =O =-o =0 O_O O_o o_O O_0 o_0 0_O 0_o
    *bye**bye* *BYE*
    *biggrin**biggrin* :-D :D +D =D :biggrin:
    *sad**sad* :-( :( +( =( :-(( :(( +(( =(( :sad:
    *new_russian**new_russian* \m/ \M/
    *preved**preved* *HELLO* *PREVED* *PRIVET* *HI*
    *boredom**boredom* *TIRED* |-0 :boredom:
    *wink**wink* ;-) ;) ^_~ :wink:
    *nea**nea* *NO* *NO*
    *blum3**blum3* :-P :P :-p :p +P =P +p =p :-b :b +b =b :tongue:
    *drinks**drinks* *DRINK* :drink:
    *give_rose**give_rose* @}->-- @}-:-- @>}--,-`--- (F) (f) @}->--
    *ok**ok* *OK*
    *beee**beee* :-\ :-/ :\ :-\
    *stop**stop* *STOP* :stop:
  • Allowed BBCode tags:

    Tag descriptionВы пишетеВы получаете
    Identifies the content as an abbreviation and displays the full meaning in a tooltip.
    [abbr=et cetera]etc.[/abbr]etc.
    Puts a tooltip over the contained text, which displays the full meaning of the acronym.
    [acronym=PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor]PHP[/acronym]PHP
    Bold text
    Aligns text in the center.
    [center]Centered text[/center]

    Centered text

    Formats the content text as code, in Monospace and with a grey box around it. BBCode tags within this tag will not be parsed.
    [code]def fib (n):
    a, b = 0, 1
    for i in xrange(n):
    a, b = b, a + 1
    return a[/code]
    def fib (n): a, b = 0, 1 for i in xrange(n): a, b = b, a + 1 return a
    Changes the color. You may enter a color word (red) or a hex code with hash sign (#ff0)
    [color=#f80]Orange text[/color]Orange text
    Formats a definition list.
    --verbose:This will start the program with full debug messages.
    --in=IN:This will set the input file to IN.
    --out=OUT:This will write output to OUT.
    This will start the program with full debug messages.
    This will set the input file to IN.
    This will write output to OUT.
    Changes the font of the text.
    Level 1 heading. You may want to restrict access to the level 1 and level 2 headings for ordinary users.


    Level 2 heading. Use this as the top level on non-node content, as level 1 is used by the site header.


    Level 3 heading. Use this as the top level within nodes as levels 1 and 2 are used by the site and node title.


    Level 4 heading.


    Level 5 heading.
    Level 6 heading.
    Horizontal divider.
    Italic text
    Displays a picture. The size may be set by entering widthxheight as the only option.
    Aligns text as a justified block.
    [justify]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.[/justify]

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

    Aligns text on the left side.
    [left]Left-aligned text[/left]

    Left-aligned text

    Formats a list. ol and ul may be entered as an option, making the list items numbered or non-numbered.
    1. Apples
    2. Oranges
    3. Bananas
    Links to a certain node. Unlike a [url] tag, this is passed through the linking function and returns the alias of the node.
    [node=1]Node #1[/node]Node #1
    This colors the syntax of PHP code using the in-built PHP highlighting library.
    echo 'Hello World' . 5 . $variable;
    echo 'Hello World' $variable;
    Aligns text on the right side.
    [right]Right-aligned text[/right]

    Right-aligned text

    Stricken-through text
    [s]this sentence is false[/s]this sentence is false
    Changes the text size. This requires the unit (pt, px, em) of the size.
    Sets text to be smaller and below the line.
    Sets text to be set smaller and above the line.
    Underlined text
    Formats a Hyperlink.
    Formats a link to Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
    Embed a Youtube video.
  • Quoted content can be placed between [quote] tags in order to be displayed as an indented quote. Every [quote] tag must have a corresponding [/quote] tag. For example:

    [quote]This is a simple quote.[/quote]
    is displayed as:

    This is a simple quote.

    Additionally, there is an optional attribute which allows quotes to specify the original author.

    [quote=Mr. Drupal]This is a quote with an attribution line.[/quote]
    is displayed as:

    Mr. Drupal писал(а):
    This is a quote with an attribution line.

    Finally, multiple [quote] tags can be nested within one another. Just remember that every [quote] tag must have a corresponding [/quote] tag.

    [quote]I think she says it best...
    [quote=Ms. Quotation]This is a quote nested within another quote.[/quote]
    but you can't argue with
    [quote=Ms. Reply]The more quotes, the merrier.
    Just don't get too carried away.[/quote]
    And I have nothing more to say.[/quote]
    is displayed as:

    I think she says it best...
    Ms. Quotation писал(а):
    This is a quote nested within another quote.
    but you can't argue with
    Ms. Reply писал(а):
    The more quotes, the merrier. Just don't get too carried away.
    And I have nothing more to say.
  • Адреса страниц и электронной почты автоматически преобразуются в ссылки.