Подсказки по редактированию
- HTML-теги не обрабатываются и показываются как обычный текст
- Строки и параграфы распознаются автоматически. Теги переноса строки <br />, параграфа <p> и закрытия параграфа </p> вставляются автоматически. Если параграфы не распознаны, просто добавьте пару пустых строк.
- If you include a textual smiley in your post (see chart below), it will be replaced by a graphical smiley.
Smiley Acronyms *secret* :-X :-x X: x: :-# :# :secret: *dash1* *DASH* *WALL* *mamba* *WASSUP* *SUP* *MAMBA* :MAMBA: *i-m_so_happy* *HAPPY* :happy: :HAPPY: :Happy: ^^ *wacko* %) %-) :-$ :$ :wacko: :WACKO: *diablo* ]:-> }:-> ]:> }:> >:-] >:] :diablo: *DIABLO* *clapping* *BRAVO* :BRAVO: :bravo: :clapping: *yahoo* *YAHOO* *YAHOO!* :YAHOO: :yahoo: *bad* :-! :! :-~ ;-~ :(~ +(~ =(~ :bad: *cray2* :'( :'-( *air_kiss* *KISSED* *man_in_love* *IN_LOVE* *pleasantry* *db* :db: *yes3* *YES* *aggressive* >:o >:O >+O >:o >+o :-@ :angry: *kiss2* :-* :* :-{} :{} +{} ={} ^.^ :kiss: *KISS* *mosking* *JOKINGLY* 8P 8p *dirol* 8-) 8) B) :COOL: :cool: *kiss3* *KISSING* *crazy* *CRAZY* :crazy: *dance4* *DANCE* :dance: *scratch_one-s_head* *SCRATCH* *sorry2* *SORRY* :sorry: *good* :GOOD: :good: *GOOD* *THUMBS_UP* *pardon* *PARDON* =] :PARDON: :pardon: *fool* :-| :| =| :-| *ROFL* *ROFL* :ROFL: :rofl: :-)))) :-))))) :-)))))) :)))) :))))) :)))))) =)))) =))))) =)))))) *blush* :-[ :[ ;'> ;-. :blush: *bomb* @= *mail1* *WRITE* *MAIL* *unknw* *DONT_KNOW* *UNKNOWN* :HZ: :hz: *angel* O:-) O:) O+) O=) 0:-) 0:) 0+) 0=) (A) (a) *music2* [:-} [:} [:-} *acute* ;D *ACUTE* *smile* :-) :) +) =) :smile: *help* *HELP* *lol* *LOL* ))) :-)) :)) =)) +)) :-))) :))) :lol: *shok* =-O =O =-o =0 O_O O_o o_O O_0 o_0 0_O 0_o *bye* *BYE* *biggrin* :-D :D +D =D :biggrin: *sad* :-( :( +( =( :-(( :(( +(( =(( :sad: *new_russian* \m/ \M/ *preved* *HELLO* *PREVED* *PRIVET* *HI* *boredom* *TIRED* |-0 :boredom: *wink* ;-) ;) ^_~ :wink: *nea* *NO* *NO* *blum3* :-P :P :-p :p +P =P +p =p :-b :b +b =b :tongue: *drinks* *DRINK* :drink: *give_rose* @}->-- @}-:-- @>}--,-`--- (F) (f) @}->-- *ok* *OK* *beee* :-\ :-/ :\ :-\ *stop* *STOP* :stop: *king2* *king* *fie* *heart* *skull* *blum2* *dance* *smoke* *heat* *to_take_umbrage* *meeting* *tongue* *take_example* *whistle* *umnik* *yes2* *snooks* *whistle3* *friends* *swoon2* *umnik2* *sclerosis* *yes4* *no2* *threaten* *whistle2* *ireful2* *laugh1* *ireful1* *resent* *yes* *thank_you* *search* *grin* *scare* *read* *wink3* *ireful3* *download* *superstition* *negative* *good3* *cray* *dance2* *derisive* *boast* *popcorm1* *unsure* *not_i* *lazy* *mda* *lazy2* *agree* *smile3* *popcorm2* *swoon* *punish* *shout* *good2* *laugh3* *dntknw* *blush2* *black_eye* *sorry* *this* *victory* *laugh2* *taunt* *to_clue* *don-t_mention* *dance3* *ded_snegurochka* *sun_bespectacled* *ded_moroz* *russian* *pioneer* *scenic* *tommy* *pioneer_smoke* *ded_snegurochka2* *padonak* *wild* *beach* *neo* *paint2* *snegurochka* *to_keep_order* *blind* *santa2* *music* *santa* *comando* *scout* *buba* *big_boss* *paint* *hi* *give_heart* *shablon_03* *prankster* *sarcastic* *focus* *sarcastic_hand* *to_become_senile* *dash2* *wacko2* *suicide2* *telephone* *hang1* *sarcastic_blum* *close_tema* *no* *rtfm* *haha* *fuk* *cool* *angry2* *nyam* *tomato* *nono* *ph34r* *mad* *spiteful* *tomato2* *facepalm* *jope* *sad2* *down* *photo* *clap* *sam_durak* *magic_appear* *ouch* *rtfm2* *verycool* *waiting* *grabli* *boyan* *drinks2* *saint* *in_love* Allowed BBCode tags:
Tag description Вы пишете Вы получаете [abbr]
Identifies the content as an abbreviation and displays the full meaning in a tooltip.[abbr=et cetera]etc.[/abbr]
etc. [acronym]
Puts a tooltip over the contained text, which displays the full meaning of the acronym.[acronym=PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor]PHP[/acronym]
PHP [b]
Bold text[b]bold[/b]
bold [center]
Aligns text in the center.[center]Centered text[/center]
Formats the content text as code, in Monospace and with a grey box around it. BBCode tags within this tag will not be parsed.[code]def fib (n):
a, b = 0, 1
for i in xrange(n):
a, b = b, a + 1
return a[/code][color]
Changes the color. You may enter a color word (red) or a hex code with hash sign (#ff0)[color=#f80]Orange text[/color]
Orange text [define]
Formats a definition list.[define]
--verbose:This will start the program with full debug messages.
--in=IN:This will set the input file to IN.
--out=OUT:This will write output to OUT.
[/define]- --verbose
- This will start the program with full debug messages.
- --in=IN
- This will set the input file to IN.
- --out=OUT
- This will write output to OUT.
Changes the font of the text.[font=arial]Text[/font]
Text [h1]
Level 1 heading. You may want to restrict access to the level 1 and level 2 headings for ordinary users.[h1]Title[/h1]
Level 2 heading. Use this as the top level on non-node content, as level 1 is used by the site header.[h2]Volume[/h2]
Level 3 heading. Use this as the top level within nodes as levels 1 and 2 are used by the site and node title.[h3]Chapter[/h3]
Level 4 heading.[h4]Section[/h4]
Level 5 heading.[h5]Sub-section[/h5]
Level 6 heading.[h6]Sub-sub-section[/h6]
Horizontal divider.[hr]
Italic text[i]italic[/i]
italic [img]
Displays a picture. The size may be set by entering widthxheight as the only option.[img=65x73]
Aligns text as a justified block.[justify]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.[/justify]
Aligns text on the left side.[left]Left-aligned text[/left]
Formats a list. ol and ul may be entered as an option, making the list items numbered or non-numbered.[list=ol]
[/list]- Apples
- Oranges
- Bananas
Links to a certain node. Unlike a [url] tag, this is passed through the linking function and returns the alias of the node.[node=1]Node #1[/node]
Node #1 [php]
This colors the syntax of PHP code using the in-built PHP highlighting library.[php]<?php
echo 'Hello World' . 5 . $variable;
Aligns text on the right side.[right]Right-aligned text[/right]
Stricken-through text[s]this sentence is false[/s]
this sentence is false[size]
Changes the text size. This requires the unit (pt, px, em) of the size.[size=16pt]Text[/size]
Text [sub]
Sets text to be smaller and below the line.a[sub]i,j[/sub]
ai,j [sup]
Sets text to be set smaller and above the line.x[sup]2[/sup]
x2 [u]
Underlined text[u]underlined[/u]
underlined [url]
Formats a Hyperlink.[url=http://drupal.org]Drupal.org[/url]
Drupal.org [wikipedia]
Formats a link to Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.[wikipedia]Drupal[/wikipedia]
Drupal [youtube]
Embed a Youtube video.[youtube=224x126]rF1X12PE6PY[/youtube]
Quoted content can be placed between [quote] tags in order to be displayed as an indented quote. Every [quote] tag must have a corresponding [/quote] tag. For example:
[quote]This is a simple quote.[/quote]
is displayed as:This is a simple quote.
Additionally, there is an optional attribute which allows quotes to specify the original author.
[quote=Mr. Drupal]This is a quote with an attribution line.[/quote]
is displayed as:This is a quote with an attribution line.
Finally, multiple [quote] tags can be nested within one another. Just remember that every [quote] tag must have a corresponding [/quote] tag.
[quote]I think she says it best... [quote=Ms. Quotation]This is a quote nested within another quote.[/quote] but you can't argue with [quote=Ms. Reply]The more quotes, the merrier. Just don't get too carried away.[/quote] And I have nothing more to say.[/quote]
is displayed as:
I think she says it best...but you can't argue with This is a quote nested within another quote.
And I have nothing more to say. The more quotes, the merrier. Just don't get too carried away.
- Адреса страниц и электронной почты автоматически преобразуются в ссылки.