F 40W/54 (GE)
Тип: F 40W/54
Страна происхождения:
Вчера я нашел эту малоиспользованную трубку в магазине электрооборудования. Она была брошена там из-за замены на светодиоды. Она имеет хорошее покрытие и дает 2450 лм света.
Из коллекции
Jovan. Добавлено: ср, 22.07.20, 16:50

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What is fascinating is that this lamp has the smaller more neat etch that was standardized in Hungary Tungsram factory starting from 2007. All lamps that left the factory from that time, eather t8 or t12. had the same style etch that stated not only the color number, but the tnternational code as well, while before 2007 the T8 tubnes had different style ecth than T12. T8 had the ecth that stated color number and international code, while T12 inly had color number itself. This tube here is a really nice collecteable you have there Jovan. Im proud of you! If it were 29-530 I would make an offer for you so I could buy it from you lol
Of course there were some instances when some T12 tubes left the factory after 2007 that still had older etch with just color number and no code, but those were rare. And this tube is just that! It has the new styl eetch, but no color code on it! It is a very rare piece! I am still yet to find myself such a tube here in Lithuania. Maybe smoe day..