IP44 rotary switch with the "key to light"
Rotary Estoplast switch, almost similar to that shown by the admin. I got it after replacing it with a rocker switch in one of the garages located not far from our house, where it was located, oddly enough, outside. Its handle, for the reason described below, was stolen in the first years of the garage's existence, so the disabled owner decided not to risk it again, moving the already new rocker switch inside.
Unlike the switch of the user Dominique, at the top of my lid, which is chipped by one of their fastening ears, there is a logo-shaped image of a triangle with an incomprehensible figure inside (a tree outline?). I would very much like to know what this isosceles triangle means.
In my youth in St. Petersburg, not only wall lamps and basements were equipped with such switches, but also garbage collection facilities at garbage chutes, and individual house signs. Their handle, however, despite the presence of a hole for a locking screw on one of the faces of the pin, was no longer produced from carbolite, but from ordinary polyethylene and, naturally, already without the locking screw itself on the side. These handles were therefore kept on parole, as a result of which they were stolen very quickly. Due to this circumstance, the janitors of the 70s, who were in charge of both regular cleaning of garbage bins and the nightly turning on of lit house signs, had to keep not only keys from padlocks, but also such "keys to the light", usually made of aluminium.