
Deluxe-D 25W (Tesla Pančevo)

Miraculously, these bulbs can still be found in the store. I bought the last 2 pieces. The Deluxe-D series is probably a more durable and high-quality series of bulbs. The design of the bulbs shows that they are about 10+ years old.

Art. 3681252 (ELPA)

Here is an example of the most common, simple and durable light fixture. In some Serbian cities, they are still used, while in others, like mine, they are being replaced by LEDs. This luminaire uses a 125 W DRL(HQL) lamp or a 110 W HPS lamp. It can be seen in some large gardens, factories, garages... I got it last year from street light electricians replacing old lights with new ones.

FC DS 36W (Tesla Pančevo)

Here is the picture of T8 version of Tesla tube. The tube was made in 2000s in Serbia. DS light color means 6500K. Lamp is а 36W model.

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