OMB 250 A101K (Tridonic)

Тип:  OMB 250 A101K  
Страна происхождения: 

Ещё один полновесный дроссель для ДРЛ250. Имеет клеммник оригинальной конструкции, аж на 4 вывода. Задействовано из них только 2, причём аппарат рассчитан уже на стандартное европейское напряжение 230В. Скорее всего, он выпущен уже в 2000-х годах, причём страной производства указана сама Австрия.

Из коллекции Dominique. Добавлено: вс, 03.09.23, 03:06


Tridonic ballasts are well known for their durability and extremely well quality of build. Fluorescent tridonic ballasts are capable of whitstanding a stuck starter EOL lamps and they literally never overheat. The yare dsigned in a way that when they operate, the operating temperature is very low, the ballasts is just warm to the touch. And with this Mercury Vapor lamp ballast - it is immortal. You can install it in a fixture and forget about for an eternity and will continue to work without any problems even if left in sun, wind, rain and snow. Together with an EYE IWASAKI mercury vapor lamp, the fixture will produce light for at least 50 years if used daily without any problems whatsoever. Can not say that with regular DRL as the arc tube gets black and will not make any sufficient light after maximum of 8 years of use. Though, the soviet ballasts, at leats the ons that were dipped in varnish, them are beasts that can also whitstand an eternity in harsh environment and not get broken. The ones that were left unvarnushed, they rot away slowly until nothing is left but the copper itself. I have restored four 1976 RTU-02 fixtures and all four ballasts were so rotten I had to take them apart and restore them because even the cardboard bobbins were rotten from the moisture, and all of that because the ballasts were not dipped in varnish and baked in the factory.

Surprisingly those unimpregnated cardboard-assembly Soviet chokes also continued normal operation after years without any outer protection (e.g. in RTU01/02 with broken glasses). I have one, taken from broken RTU01 after about ~10 years on open air, and it still works quite well at my country house.